We have recently encountered issues with regular mail being returned by the post office, and we are actively working with USPS to resolve the matter. Please be assured that our address has not changed and remains 3808 Augusta Ave, Richmond, VA 23230. If you previously sent a check that was returned, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. At your convenience, we kindly ask that you resend the check to the address above. Should you experience any further issues, please do not hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to address this situation.

What We Do

VA Capitol VFA Voice
VFA advocates on behalf of Virginia's diverse forestry community and promotes the sustainable use and conservation of forest resources to ensure their long-term benefits for all Virginians.
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The annual Forestry Summit brings together a coalition of forest landowners, forest products business owners, industry and natural resource professionals from Virginia's forestry community. 
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Stay up to date with timely information on key forestry topics through our biweekly
e-newsletter The VFA Voice.

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